Lead Hair Screening

90 €

Lead exposure test. Measurement of lead in the hair. Analysis performed in a certified laboratory.

Lead is a toxic metal at low doses of exposure.

Naturally present in the soil, we are exposed to it through ingestion of water and food, inhalation of polluted air or through contact with the skin.

Preventing health risks means first of all identifying them. Performing a hair analysis is the best way to assess your personal exposure to lead and to know your exposome.

The EXPOZOM Lead test allows you to accurately measure your exposure to lead through a hair analysis.

1.            You take a hair sample.

2.            You return your dust sample with the prepaid envelope provided.

3.            Our expert laboratory analyses your sample and issues a comprehensive report including advice on how to reduce your exposure.


What are the main health risks of lead exposure?

Lead has been known since ancient times and so has its toxicity. Lead poisoning mainly affects the nervous system, bone marrow and kidneys. Its effects are most significant in children, with learning and intellectual development problems, but adults are also affected.

Lead passes into the placenta and breast milk. Exposure of pregnant and breastfeeding women to lead results in exposure of the foetus and infants, which poses a risk to their health.

Lead is classified as a high priority for public health by international health authorities, including WHO, US EPA, ANSES and HEALTH CANADA.


How to measure lead exposure?

EXPOZOM performs lead testing in hair to assess your level of exposure.


Why use an EXPOZOM Lead test?

- To know your personal level of exposure to lead.

- To understand the associated risks and to be able to act to protect your health.

- To receive advice on how to limit your exposure.

- To check a detoxification of the body


What are the advantages of using an EXPOZOM Lead analysis?

- Easy to use: reliable and very simple sampling methods, requiring no technical skills.

- Highly accurate measurement results.

- Reliability of a certified French laboratory using state-of-the-art technology.

- Complete and anonymous analysis report.

- Prepaid return of samples included in the kit valid in France and from many countries.

Your analysis report:

- Available within 15 working days.

- Presents the lead concentration expressed in pg/mg (picogram lead per milligram hair). This concentration is compared to the main international standards and allows you to interpret your lead exposure level.

- Gives clear indications to identify the main sources of lead in your environment.

- Recommends effective solutions to limit your daily exposure.

- Presents the main technologies to protect yourself from lead exposure.


What does the EXPOZOM Lead kit contain?

- A device that allows you to take the necessary amount of hair to perform the analysis.

- The analysis of your samples in a certified French laboratory.

- The interpretation of your results by biomonitoring experts.

- A complete and anonymous analysis report.

- Precise instructions to guide you step by step in the performance of your sampling and a sampling sheet for the interpretation of the results.

- Prepaid return of your samples to the laboratory.


How to use your hair sampling kit?

The measurement of lead exposure is carried out on the first few centimetres of a strand of hair.

- Use the device provided to take your hair sample.

- Carefully place the hair in the aluminium foil provided for the protection of your sample.

- Send your sample to the laboratory with the collection form, using the pre-paid envelope provided.


How many tests do I need?

Only one EXPOZOM Lead test kit is needed to measure a person's exposure.