Endocrine Disruptors

140 €

Personal plasticizers pollution exposure sampler Certified laboratory analysis Interpreted report

Plastic pollution is a reality and exposure to plastic additives is a health concern.

This test kit allows you to accurately measure your exposure to the most common endocrine disruptors in our environment: plasticisers.

The Personal Pollution Sampler (PPS) comes in the form of a wristband that must be worn for a period of 7 days.

You send the sampler sor back to the laboratory and our team of experts will analyse it with state-of-the-art technology to find traces of pollution in your environment.

The results are presented in a detailed report and interpreted with reference values.


Why measure exposure to endocrine disruptors?

Hormones are chemical molecules produced by endocrine glands such as the thyroid, adrenal, ovaries, testicles, etc.
Hormones are present in very small quantities in the body and are active at very low doses to transmit very precise messages to our cells.

Chemicals that alter the production, transport and action of natural hormones are particularly harmful to humans. It is because they alter hormone function that endocrine disruptors have an impact on health.

Our sensitivity to endocrine disruptors varies throughout our lives and the body is particularly vulnerable during certain periods such as embryonic and foetal development, the early years and puberty.

They are now recognised as contributing to chronic diseases such as:

  • hormone-dependent cancers (ovaries, testicles, thyroid, breasts, etc.)
  • reproductive disorders and infertility 
  • genital malformations
  • precocious puberty
  • attention disorders

For these reasons, it is essential to limit exposure to endocrine disruptors. The first thing to do is to measure your exposure in order to identify the sources of pollution and act efficiently .


How to measure exposure to endocrine disruptors?

Endocrine disruptors are present in our environment and the air we breathe.
To measure your personal exposure, nothing could be easier than wearing a wristband . The ambient pollution will be captured by the PPS wristband throughout the day.

Our daily life is well regulated and a period of 7 days is quite representative of our life. For this reason, wearing the wristband for a period of 7 days is very important to allow a fine evaluation of the exposure to endocrine disruptors.

It is the analysis of the PPS wristband in the laboratory that allows the pollution level to be measured. The results are presented in a detailed report and compared with reference values to position your result in relation to the general population.



What pollutants are tested for in the PPS Endocrine Disruptor kit?

One of the problems of plastic pollution is the presence of plasticizers because they present a risk of disrupting the hormonal system.
It is these additives that are sought. and they belong to the families of phthalates and bisphenols.

The list of endocrine disruptors is available here: PPS Endocrine Disruptor molecules.



Why use a PPS Endocrine Disruptor test?

  • To know your personal level of exposure to endocrine disruptors
  • To identify the endocrine disruptors present in your daily environment
  • Understand the risks associated with endocrine disruptors and be able to act to protect your health
  • Receive advice on how to limit your exposure to plastic pollution

What are the advantages of using a PPS Endocrine Disruptor kit?

  • Easy to use: few things could be easier than wearing a wristband !
  • Highly accurate measurement results
  • Reliability of a certified French laboratory using state-of-the-art technology
  • Complete and anonymous analysis report

Your analysis report :

  • Available within 10 working days
  • Presents the amount of each endocrine disruptor detected by the PPS wristband in nano grammes. This quantity is compared with reference values.
  • Suggests solutions to limit daily exposure
  • Presents the main technologies to protect oneself from exposure to plastic pollution

What does the PPS Endocrine Disruptors kit contain?

  • A PPS wristband 
  • The analysis of your sample in a certified French laboratory
  • The interpretation of your results by biomonitoring experts
  • A complete and personalised analysis report
  • Precise instructions to guide you step by step through the sampling process and a sampling sheet to interpret the results
  • Prepaid return of your sample to the laboratory

How to use your PPS Endocrine Disruptors kit?

This measurement kit is very easy to use.

The PPS wristband should be worn on the wrist at all times for 7 days.

Once the 7-day period has ended, the PPS wristband and the sampling form are returned to the laboratory with the pre-paid return envelope.


How many tests do I need?

Only one PPS Endocrine Disruptor test kit is needed to measure a person's exposure.