Air Analysis

200 €

Analysis of ambient air pollution Measurement of Volatile Organic Compounds Test carried out in a certified laboratory

The air pollution we breathe daily has an impact on our health.
The knowledge of the exposome is based on the measurement of the exposure to the chemical agents contained in the air we breathe.

We spend, on average, more than 80% of our time in buildings. It is therefore important to identify the toxic substances at risk and their sources in order to limit our exposure.

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the main air pollutants, especially in indoor air.
The chemicals in this family are gaseous at room temperature.
Being gaseous, VOCs pass very easily through the respiratory barriers to reach the bloodstream and be rapidly diffused in the body.

VOCs come mainly from decorative materials (paint, varnish, glue), furniture, perfumes, cleaning products and human activities (linen, cooking, cigarette smoke ...).

VOCs are also widely used in the workplace where they are present in solvents, chemicals, gasoline, resins, glues, foams, inks, paints and cleaning products.

Exposure to VOCs is assessed by measuring them in the ambient air.

What are the main symptoms of VOC exposure?

  •     Coughing and irritation of the respiratory tract, especially the nose and throat.
  •     Eye irritation and conjunctivitis.
  •     Headaches.
  •     Reduced ability to concentrate and think

What are the main health risks of VOC exposure?

VOCs are responsible for many health problems and contribute to the chronic disease epidemic.

  •     VOCs are irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract (nose, throat and lungs)
  •     VOCs promote asthma and allergies.
  •     Many VOCs are carcinogenic and their research is classified as a priority by many national and international health authorities.
  •     Some VOCs are neurotoxic and can affect the central nervous system, causing coordination and attention disorders.

Two levels of analysis are proposed:

The ESSENTIAL level of analysis focuses on the most dangerous chemicals, classified as high priority for health by international health authorities, including WHO, US EPA, ANSES and HEALTH CANADA.

The INTEGRAL level analysis includes all the chemicals in the ESSENTIAL level plus an extensive list of common indoor air pollutants of health concern.
What pollutants are tested for in the EXPOZOM Air test?

The complete list of molecules tested is available here : EXPOZOM AIR molecules

Why use an EXPOZOM Air test ?

  •     To know its exposure to the pollutants.
  •     To identify the most toxic VOC: carcinogenic, mutagenic, reprotoxic, neurotoxic, teratogenic.
  •     Understand the associated risks and be able to act to protect your health.
  •     Receive advice on how to limit your exposure.

What are the benefits of using an EXPOZOM Air analysis kit ?

  •     Simplicity of use: reliable and very simple sampling methods, requiring no technical skills.
  •     Highly accurate measurement results.
  •     Reliability of a certified French laboratory using state-of-the-art technology.
  •     Complete and anonymous analysis report.
  •     Prepaid return of samples included in the kit from many countries.

Your analysis report:

  •     Available within 10 business days.
  •     Presents the concentration of each VOC analyzed expressed in µg/m3 (microgram of VOC per cubic meter of air). This concentration is compared to the main international standards and allows you to interpret your level of exposure to air pollution.
  •     Gives clear indications to identify the sources of the detected pollutants.
  •     Recommends effective solutions to limit your exposure to VOC pollution on a daily basis.
  •     Presents the main technologies to protect oneself from exposure to air pollution.

What does the EXPOZOM Air kit include?

  •     Two passive sensors: the first one used for formaldehyde and aldehydes sampling, the second one for other VOCs sampling, including benzene.
  •     The analysis of your samples in a certified French laboratory.
  •     Interpretation of your results by air pollution experts.
  •     A complete and anonymous analysis report.
  •     Precise instructions to guide you step by step in the realization of the samples and a sampling sheet for the interpretation of the results.
  •     Prepaid return of your samples to the laboratory.

How to use your air pollution exposure test?

  •     The measurement of air pollution by VOCs is performed with passive sensors.
  •     These sensors must be worn for a period of 7 consecutive days on the outer surface of the clothing worn. At night they must be placed on the night table.
  •     At the end of these 7 days, the sensors are returned to the laboratory with the sampling form, using the prepaid envelope provided.

How many tests do I need?

    Only one EXPOZOM Air test kit is needed to measure a person's exposure to air pollution.

Analyse Air

Analysis of ambient air pollution by VOCs. Laboratory test.
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