Occupational exposure to Aldehydes and Ketones

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Analysis of occupational exposure to Aldehyde and Ketones Measurement of air quality in the workplace Test with analysis in a certified laboratory

How to measure formaldehyde, aldehydes and ketones in workplace air?

Formaldehyde, aldehydes and ketones are volatile at room temperature. They are captured by a passive sensor including a reagent-impregnated carrier (DNPH).

In the laboratory, the carrier is extracted with an organic solvent and the extract is analysed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

What are the Occupational environments where formaldehyde, aldehydes or ketones are most commonly found?

  •     Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
  •     Anatomopathology and forensic medicine laboratory
  •     Taxidermy laboratory
  •     Medical laboratory
  •     Biology laboratory
  •     Chemical laboratory
  •     Manufacturing process, storage, handling of chipboard
  •     Painting
  •     Carpentry and chipboard work
  •     Hygiene
  •     Cleaning
  •     Manufacturing process, storage and use of resins and adhesives
  •     Printing
  •     Activities involving the use of biocide

What is included in the analysis kit for occupational exposure to formaldehyde, aldehydes and ketones?

The test kit includes

  •     Detailed step-by-step instructions for air sampling
  •     A sampling sheet with information for the interpretation of the results
  •     A validated passive sampling sensor for measuring exposure to aldehydes and ketones
  •     An envelope for the prepaid return of your sample to the laboratory
  •     Formaldehyde analysis in a certified laboratory
  •     An analysis report with the interpreted result

How to use the formaldehyde, aldehydes and ketones occupational exposure test kit?

The analysis kit is very simple to use and does not require any technical expertise.

The passive sensor should be exposed to the workplace air for a period of 8 consecutive hours.

It can be used in two ways:

  •     To make a measurement in the ambient air in a workplace. The sensor is placed in the middle of the workspace at a height appropriate to the workstation.
  •     To perform an individual measurement on an operator. The sensor is placed on the collar of the employee's work clothes, close to the airways

Once the sample has been taken, the passive sensor and the sampling form are returned to the laboratory with the prepaid return envelope.

The kit for the analysis of aldehydes and ketones in workplace air has no legal value.
The results are indicative and can be used to prevent occupational exposure to volatile chemicals.

This test kit measures the concentration of aldehydes (including formaldehyde) and ketones in workplace air. It allows the result to be compared with the occupational exposure limit value (OEL) for aldehydes and ketones.

Formaldehyde is a known human carcinogen and a widely used chemical in the workplace. Other aldehydes and ketones can also have an impact on the health of employees.

Air inhaled during work activities may include toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic and/or reprotoxic (CMR) substances and present health risks to employees.

The monitoring of CMR exposure is a regulatory obligation for employers and must be carried out every year.

Which aldehydes and ketones are measured?

Depending on the selected variant, a defined number of aldehydes and ketones are analysed. They are selected from the list of substances analysed in the laboratory. The occupational exposure limit values (OELs) vary from country to country and are presented for France.

SubstanceNo.CASCRM ClassificationOEL
Formaldehyde50-00-0Carcinogenic0,37 mg/m3
Acetaldehyde, Acetic Aldehyde75-07-0Carcinogen, Mutagen180 mg/m3
Acrolein107-02-8 0,05 mg/m3
Valeraldehyde, n-Valeric aldehyde110-62-3 175 mg/m3
Cyclohexanone108-94-1 40,8 mg/m3
Acetone67-64-1 1210 mg/m3
Methyl ethyl ketone, 2-Butanone78-93-3 0,05 mg/m3600 mg/m3


Occupational exposure to Aldehydes and Ketones

Measurement of air quality in workplaces by analysis in a certified laboratory. Order your Test